Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First day of summer and the first day of this blog

I feel like a father right now, because my baby was born today. This blog.
I finished my last and only final yesterday. I didn't know what to do with myself. I had a nice quiet night to myself last night, watched tv, ate captain crunch and went to sleep watching food network, and king of the hill.
About a week ago i made a list of things i must accomplish in the summer, one of them was to get my driver's license. Yes i'm 21 and I do not drive. Well i'll tell you car owning people this:

- My driving record is immaculate, like virgin mary's womb (sorry).
- I do not spend money on insurance, gas etc.
- I can have never been the designated driver, so i'm not bitching out on taking beer bong rips, and playing multiple games of beer pong,
while you have your hands crossed at the party envying me getting shit faced.
- Accidents, ouch :[
I'm reading the pdf driver's manual as I type.

Since summer school is expensive and I don't drive, I will purchase a college algebra textbook and a french textbook so I can read and learn in the summer without going to class. That way, I will be ready to take on those classes in the fall. I switched my major today too, from bio to nutrition/dietetics. Oh and i saw weedad today :] that's like seeing a comet that comes around every 1000 years. Okay, i'm exaggerating but yeah.

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